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ቺክን ሃት (ፈጣን ምግብ)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

GPS: Lat 8.993242 / Lon 38.728101

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  • ቺክን ሃት (ፈጣን ምግብ) 2
    Good food, good service, good environment. I can't believe you refuse to give drinking glasses to your guests tho. I asked the waitress why? and she said it's because they will break. I prefer glasses to straws and I should get one if I ask for it! What is wrong with you people? Bottles break too! I recommend everyone take your own cup or glass, coz they won't give you one!! The silliest decision in the food industry! The food was good but all that me and my kids remember is that we were refused a cup. You guys can do better than this. I don't need any gift, please buy a cup with it.

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