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Our Address

Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic (Dentist)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

GPS: Lat 9.014566 / Lon 38.783592

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  • Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic (Dentist) 1
    They removed wrong teeth. They say mistake can happen. I hate dentists. A lot of worker who doesn't job well around. Waiting too much to see unqualified dentists!!!
  • Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic (Dentist) 1
    She is fake! no other words.
  • Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic (Dentist) 1
    very desapointed very unqualified and arrogant dentist who is stealing her fellow citzens together with other unqualified foreign dentist.I feel sorry for my people :-(
  • Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic (Dentist) 1
    Well from what I heard from people I expected this place to be better than others. It is now 9am and the doctor is not even in the clinic . I spent all day yesterday sitting waiting for a chance to get checked, what was very disappointing it that the receptionist didn't record my name right and that was the reason I was never next. I came in today at 7:30 and was told the doctor will be in at 8:30 ... There is no sign of her and the line is getting bigger by the minute. Some people already got fed up and left I guess am going to be next. The worst customer service ever.

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