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ቅዱስ ጳውሎስ ሆስፒታል (ሆስፒታል)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

GPS: Lat 9.047863 / Lon 38.728134

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  • ቅዱስ ጳውሎስ ሆስፒታል (ሆስፒታል) 5
    Dear Sir , Konsult is an ISO certified medical assistant company for patients travelling to India. We at Konsult research and connect International patients with doctors and hospitals in India for quality treatment at affordable prices. We handle patients with sensitivity and respect as we are focused on providing quality treatment by assisting you in the path to recovery. We have served more than 600 patients this year from various part of world, including Liver, Kidney and Bone Marrow transplant. Indian is known for quality doctors and affordable treatment, we are Working with More than 50 Hospitals and 1500 top India doctors pan Indian, We are keen to take team of various doctors to destination hospitals as per the requirement of Hospitals and Private Clinic for OPD/ Small Surgeries which can be done at home country with the help of local partner. We have already done successful medical camp at MENA (Middle East and North Africa) in past . We are intended to do a small OPD at Uganda in your renowned hospital . We are intended to do Small OPD in ETHIOPIA at your Renowned Hospital . Kindly let us know how we can work together on this project, Please write back or call to discuss the details .

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